Indian yatra

Travelled again to that distant shore
Of ancient Hindu Gods and modern noise
A land of riotous colours and dust
Of honesty and oft self-centred lies
Life’s never easy, struggles commonplace
Where history and the modern world clash
Here in this land of Gods, saints and sinners
Where faiths interpreted in many guises

A land where history lays never clean
Where chaos accompanies silence
A place where comforts are a luxury
Where money flows for just a chosen few
A people who each pray in their own way
Where temples are open, some egos closed
A stranger yet more comfortable there
Where I’m closer to Self – and finally alone



A place where the truth is known, but not always followed

In typical Indian fashion, nothing’s as expected
There is a greater spirit, that turns our simple lives
A spirit that unites yet by degrees also divides,
Here a universal spirit, that’s based within our faith
A faith that shows itself, when our mind stands aside
It doesn’t lessen self, it increases, till Self is self-evident
Shown through the stone idols, momentarily inert
They are energised with love, faith is just belief
Within ourselves we seek, trust of our own true Self.

The path towards our inner self Is followed from within.
Climb the mountain in our heart,
Different journeys, same path
One mountain, one goal,
One God within ourselves